Friday, April 27, 2012

Dear Joss Whedon,

I think I used to kind of hate you. Well not hate but there was definitely a lot of avoiding on my part. You just invaded geekdom so quickly and I could not handle it. I was a geekly antibody and viewed you as a virus rather than a friend. There were just too many mentions of the word "Buffy" AKA bacteria floating around. But I think part of the real problem was vampires.

Besides Nosferatu, Count Duckula and a Dracula view-master slide, I have always loathed vampires. To me if monsters were high school then vampires would be the cool rich kid. The one who was assured success simply by coming out of the womb. Not that I am putting down emerging from a womb. I mean it is tough work. I have only done it once and it took me the better part of nine months, but I just think there should be more to success than a last name. Vampires were too cool. I wanted to punch them in the face with my foot. With that being said I now realized it should have turned me on to Buffy much quicker, I mean she is a vampire slayer after all. I however was not. So when did it all change? Firefly. A short lived western sci-fi television program. Which you followed up with Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. You cannot even begin to work the brain muscles to dislike a guy who created a superhero musical.

I have given in. I am no longer sick of you but am now sick with you. My immune system has fallen to Whedonitis and I hope I never recover. I am sorry I did not give in to you for so long. Being that the Avengers will be released shortly I can only see this infirmary getting even more crowded. Bring on the sickness Mr. Whedon. Being well is too boring. I hope you are having a great day Mr.Whedon. -Josh Flowers

p.s. I will let you know how awesome I thought Avengers is after the midnight 3D imax screening. If you would like for me to see it sooner, I would not object, heh.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dear Joss Whedon,
I have always thought of myself as a 'Buffy'. I guess it's kinda because I have blonde hair, but I also like to think I would protect my loved ones even at the cost of my own life. And because I am super cute but can totally kick butt in a battle of puns should the occasion arise. 
So anyway I have always thought of myself as a 'Buffy'. Until the other day when I suddenly got the urge to steal a crossbow and knock over a liquor store! 
Have I suddenly turned into a 'Faith'?! Or do you think that I was always a 'Faith' at heart but never had the guts to admit it? 
I mean I fought the urge to commit theft, but who knows how long that will last. 
If you have any words of wisdom that could shed some light on the matter I would greatly appreciate it. As of now my heart is at war. 
Help me to end my mental struggle. 
                             Erin Michele