Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dear Joss Whedon,
Today has been a fail. I could have done a great number of productive things. 
My final essays, studied for pathology, practiced guitar, finished a short story, done some meditation, yoga, read my bible, thought of all the things I could write you about. Instead I read a couple of chapters from a book that I have already read before. 
Do you ever have that problem? The problem of seeking easy and familiar because it feels momentarily better than getting things done. It is almost an epidemic really. 

How did you get yourself motivated every day to think of and then create brilliant things? There has to be some sort of secret because Firefly doesn't come from sheer luck. 
BTW I will sign any sort of petition set in front of me stating that we need to get Firefly back on the air. It sincerely saddens me to think that shows that are flopping about, and scrounging for new plot to break ground on are still firmly in their time slots while the insanely wonderful Dollhouse has been ousted. 

But I digress. 
Are there any creative exercises you do? Will you be offering any workshops in the future that I might acquire a pass to?

Any help you can offer me will be met with eager ears.
                                    Awaiting your response,
                                            Erin Michele

1 comment:

  1. I want to comment about harnessing creativity but I am bad enough about it how it is, haha. Also it feels weird commenting on a letter addressed to someone else.
